Format LocalDate to String or int with Month and Day in double digit
Let’s say you wanted to format LocalDate like yyyyMMdd with date’s month and day values in double digit to String or int, then follow this tutorial.
Let’s say you wanted to format LocalDate like yyyyMMdd with date’s month and day values in double digit to String or int, then follow this tutorial.
If you wanted to check whether element exists in a collection or not using specific id or name, the better approach is to use anyMatch() method of Stream interface of Lambda Expressions.
If you wanted to build maven project without the version details mentioned in your pom file, then you need to follow the below instructions.
Are you getting error “A JSONObject text must begin with ‘{‘ at 1 [character 2 line 1]” while parsing JSON response. First you need to check whether JSON string/response is valid or invalid JSON.
Checking if object is null is a common problem in Java. To check that you can check if object itself is null or you can also use static utility methods of java.util.Objects class for operating on objects.