Enums in Java
An enum type is a special data type in java used to define collections of constants. More precisely as of Java 5, Java lets you restrict a variable to have one of only a few pre-defined values – in other words, one value from an enumerated list called enums.
Enum Example
In java you define an enum type using the enum keyword. For example, you would specify review status of an article using enum type as:
package com.sneppets.corejava; public enum ReviewStatus { SUBMITTED_FOR_REVIEW, REVIEWING, REVIEWED, PUBLISHED }
The basic components of an enum are its constants. And it’s not required to use caps for all the enum constants, but it’s good idea to use caps as per Oracle’s code convention.
Enum outside a class example:
Here is an example, which shows how to use enum outisde a class
package com.sneppets.corejava; enum ReviewStatus { SUBMITTED_FOR_REVIEW, REVIEWING, REVIEWED, PUBLISHED} class Review { ReviewStatus status; } public class ReviewTest { public static void main (String[] args) { Review review = new Review(); review.status = ReviewStatus.REVIEWED; // enum outside a class } }
The above code can be part of single file. But the file must be named ReviewTest.java because that’s the name of the public class in the file.
Enum inside a class example:
Here is an example, which shows how to use enum inside a class
package com.sneppets.corejava; class Review { enum ReviewStatus { SUBMITTED_FOR_REVIEW, REVIEWING, REVIEWED, PUBLISHED} ReviewStatus status; } public class ReviewTest { public static void main (String[] args) { Review review = new Review(); review.status = Review.ReviewStatus.REVIEWED; // enum inside a class } }
The important point that you should note is enums can be declared as their own class or enclosed in another class, but the syntax for accessing enum members depends on where the enum is declared.
- You cannot declare enums in methods.
- It is optional to put semicolon ; at the end of enum declaration.
What is getting created when you create enum ?
Please note that enums are not strings or ints . In the above example each of the enumerated ReviewStatus types is the instance of ReviewStatus . You can think of enum as a kind of class which looks something like the following
package com.sneppets.corejava; public class ReviewStatus { public static final ReviewStatus SUBMITTED_FOR_REVIEW = new ReviewStatus("SUBMITTED_FOR_REVIEW", 0); public static final ReviewStatus REVIEWING = new ReviewStatus("REVIEWING", 1); public static final ReviewStatus REVIEWED = new ReviewStatus("REVIEWED", 2); public static final ReviewStatus PUBLISHED = new ReviewStatus("PUBLISHED", 3); ReviewStatus(String enumName, int index) { //your code here } public static void main (String[] args){ System.out.println(ReviewStatus.REVIEWED); } }
Note that each of enumerated values are represented as static and final (constants) and each enum value knows its index or position. You can think of the ReviewStatus enums as existing in an array of type ReviewStatus.