delete Google VPC networks and subnets

How to delete Google VPC networks and subnets

If you want to delete delete Google VPC networks and subnets once you are done experimenting with any lab exercise (For example Google VPC Networks Lab Excercise ) to avoid being charged for the resources. Please follow the below procedure for auto… Read More!

delete Google VPC networks and subnets

Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Networks Lab Exercise

The objective of the VPC networks lab exercise is to learn custom networks and auto networks creation and configuration. Like we discussed in the previous article GCP Virtual Private Networks Fundamentals each project starts with default network (a auto mode network). When auto mode… Read More!

ubuntu screen resize issue

Ubuntu screen resize issue in Oracle VM VirtualBox

You may observe Ubuntu screen resize issue while installing Ubuntu virtual machine (VM) in Oracle VM VirtualBox manager. Your screen may look small or it stays the same standard size even after the reboot like shown below. Solve ubuntu screen… Read More!

delete vpc networks subnets

GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Networks Fundamentals

VPC networks, sometimes just called as a “networks”. It is a virtual version of the traditional physical network. It provides connectivity for your Compute Engine instances, Container Engine containers and App Engine Flex services etc., GCP projects can contain multiple… Read More!